Thursday, 19 June 2008

Back in action

Hola, remember me?

Sorry it has been so long with so little info, but as you know I have been stuck in the mud (literally) and unable to update.

However, now I am back, but unfortunately I am afraid that I will not be writing extensively on here about Bilsa, because I don´t want to confuse myself with my new writing project (more on that later). You´ll get a few teasers, that´s all.

Anyway, although I have actually been in Quito (and therefore with internet access) for a day and a half, I just literally haven´t had chance to blog. Much as I would prefer to sit and type about a wide variety of things for hours on end, there have been too many errands to run to dedicate the time. Things will improve when I get to Galapogas, I promise.

First teaser...

Tuesday night became a second send off in La Yecita, and I eventually rolled into my bunk bed at around 2.30am. Fortunately I wasn´t overly drunk, as I was up again at 5.30am to begin the 3 1/2 hour hike along the muddy camino to La Ye. I did get stuck over the knee in the glue-like mud for a little while, and was beginning to hope that someone would pass to give me a hand, but I eventually managed to pull myself out and the chuchaki (hangover - oh yes, I have learnt all the most important Spanish words) didn´t really make an appearance until I got bit by an angry pig in the camioneta.

More on that another time perhaps.

And so, after 1 1/2 hours sharing the back of a pick-up with 7 other humans, a pig, an oil drum and a box of chicks, and a 5 hour bus ride to Quito, plus a day full of errands and paperwork, I am off to get a little sleep before I have to get up at 6am to head to San Cristobal.

Buenas noches.xx.

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