Monday, 28 January 2008

Losing the plot - the story so far (part two)

September 2007

The deadline for making solid plans draws in. Having decided where I want to go, I realise quite how difficult it is to find a legitimate and cost effective means to volunteer abroad.

There are dozens of organisations to choose from, with exciting websites full of reassuring details and inspiring testemonials, but many of the 'expeditions' cost thousands or pounds for just a few weeks 'volunteering'. I am sceptical about how much of this money ever makes it to the destination country or project, and how much is redirected to 'administration fees'.

I also wonder about the true value of the volunteer work that is available, much of which seems to be more of an adventure holiday nature than necessary work. A lot of this seems like an ethical form of tourism, in that the traveller is not actively detrimental to the host country, and may do some worthy and enlightening activities. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, I think, but for my purposes I want to find a project that comes as less of a 'package'. Researching the options is a confusing and financially worrying process.

I find an organisation that seems to liaise between projects on reasonable terms. There are still admin fees, but they have an explanation for these on the website, and it seems like the best option. Then, I remember that an American friend of mine, Jo, was listed in facebook as being based in Ecuador a while back.

I haven't spoken to her in a while, but I send her a message telling her that I plan to go, and asking if she has any tips. She messages me right back, and warns me not to go with any of these sorts of organisation, that my suspicions were right. She says that she was in Ecuador doing conservation work for a project called Jatun Sacha, and that a lot of the volunteers there had been very frustrated to find out that very little to none of their fees had gone towards the project. She gave me the details of the Jatun Sacha Foundation, and said that it was possible to volunteer directly with them.

I take her recommendation, and email Jatun Sacha for more information about the projects they are working on.

Six months should be enough time to plan, and save, and get my life in order. I set myself a departure deadline of March.

October 2007

Once I recieve the document listing the seven various projects Jatun Sacha are working on around Ecuador I spend a week of evenings assessing what might work for me. There are various aspects of each project that appeal in particular, although there are obviously common themes of sustainability and conservation and agricultural work in them all.

I am very pleased with the way they describe their work. They are ongoing projects, combined with biological research. They work with, and not for, the indigenous community, and explain the background for the projects. They are unpatronising, but serious in their work. There are still fees, but these are nominal and are to cover my accommodation and food costs, and so although I will naturally still have to do some serious saving, I think I can just about do it.

I think I will be happy working with them, and feel that there is also a potenital for me to gain new skills and knowledge that I might bring back with me. I am most excited about learning about fair trade processes, sustainable agriculture, and working in the medicinal plant gardens. I decide that the final project that I would like to work on, and for the longest time, should be one that has a specific focus on these.

The application to volunteer with Jatun Sacha requires a doctor's note and a fee deposit of $60. This has to be sent by cheque in the post, and so I go to the bank and ask for it. Applying for this dollar cheque to be made incurs a bank fee, of course (what in the world doesn't?), and the woman in the bank clearly thinks I am an idiot for wanting it in the first place.

The cheque takes over three weeks to arrive. Time is seriously ticking by, and I worry that if it has got lost and I have to order another cheque, it will delay other important arrangements that need to be made. The doctor's letter costs £15. Finally, the cheque arrives, and I get the application sent in the post as soon as possible. There is confusion at the post office about whether I am allowed to send a cheque in the post. the cashier says it contravenes customs regulations. He has to be kidding! I go back to the bank, they don't think this is right, so I go back to the post office and this time they don't ask, and I don't mention the cheque.

It is a big relief now that I have sent the application. I imagine it will take a week or so to arrive, as the Ecuadorian postal system might be a problem and there have been strikes at this end as well. And so I wait.

Losing the plot - The story so far (part one)

March 2007

I am disillusioned, stagnating, stressed and depressed. I have felt like this to varying degrees for the past six months.

The city I have loved and lived in for the past seven years is getting me down. The fast pace I am living reaps few results, but rather encourages me to seek refuge at the bottom of a bottle. One of the things that truly allows me to breathe is my allotment, which is difficult to maintain with such a busy schedule and having to travel 6 miles by bus to get there. It doesn't flourish as I would like it to.

My lifestyle is unsatisfactory, and I decide that I have to make a change. I consider my options.

Summer 2007

Various options considered, I decide that volunteering abroad would fulfil several needs.

These are a) to escape my current situation b) to do some something worthwhile c) to do something that would have visible results d) to be healthy e) to widen my experience f) to gain new skills g) to travel

What to do? Where to go? The possibilities are endless.

I set myself a deadline of September to decide.

July 2007

I spend five days living in a tent during some of the worst floods witnessed in Britain for a long time.

I am volunteering as an Oxfam Steward during the Glade festival in Berkshire. The rain is torrential, especially during my first shift when I realise that cagouls are not actually waterproof and nearly contract hypotehrmia while trying to prevent it in others.

Food becomes fuel, and a cold trickle of water to wash in a true luxury. The situation becomes more drastic over the weekend of the festival, and we really have to work together to protect and encourage each other.

Finally, the rains begin to clear. As I sit alone outside my tent watching the sun sink behing the trees, I realise that this is the happiest I have been for a very long time.

I almost decide to join the circus, or to somehow travel from festival to festival working and volunteering. This is still an option that quite appeals! I have had a revelation. How little we actually need to survive, and how little extra to be happy. Everything else seems to be a distraction.

Tom and Barbara had the right idea. I have a dream of having a little land where the chickens cluck about freely, where I can make jam and bread and pop outside for a tomato when I fancy a snack. A life without bills and wages! Idyllic, but somewhat unrealistic for now, me thinks.

I focus my search on environmental and conservation projects.

August 2007

After substantial internet research, including lots of dead ends and circles, Ecuador is the destination that recurrently appeals. The reasons for this will become apparent in later posts.

Phew. It took such a long time to make this decision. Getting there will be simple, right?